Got into a discussion the other day, if you can imagine such a thing happening to me. The topic at hand was the apparent homosexuality of a Disney character, but it rapidly became about something very different. The other party insisted repeatedly that children are not capable of understanding homosexuality.
I've been a very hands-on aunt for most of my life. My minions count in the dozens. I've never come across a subject that children could not comprehend on some level. You "dumb it down" for them, but they are capable of understanding.
Recently, I explained the transgender thing to a child. I "dumbed it down" to having a girl brain in a boy body. His head did not explode and he now understands the basic issue. We do have to be careful with our terminology - lesbians don't just love women, it's the getting-married kind of love. We don't want little Suzie to decide she's clinically depressed because sometimes she feels sad.
Something else I've noticed about children is that they are more receptive to difference. Race or religion are good touchstones here. At a park, the kids all run and play together and it's no big deal if this one's a different color or that one won't eat a ham sandwich. In fact, a conversation about those differences might start - thus they learn something about each other. Adults could take a lesson.
It infuriates me that people so readily dismiss the brains of the young. I have to laugh at some of the things I read in parenting magazines because otherwise I'd cry. So much of that advice is stuff I've always done, without effort. "When in the park, talk to the child about the various animals and plants you see." WHO NEEDS TO BE TOLD THAT!?
Note I did not mention my position on having a girl brain in a boy body, or of wanting to marry a member of the same sex. That all is really beside the point of this post. The point here is simple. Children are not stupid. Simple, yes, but not stupid.
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