Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Cost of Independent Politics

Partisan politics has always been a problem for me.  I spent most of my life hearing my own parents play "It's okay if my party does it" and never understood the logic.  My own politics is some kind of mutated hybrid of ideals, but it is built on my own critical thinking.  I've even been known to change my mind during a civil discussion. 

The most recent presidential election has fanned the fires of partisanship to a degree I would have believed impossible.  I've lost, and am apparently losing, friends on both sides of the road.  I don't think either the orange man (sworn in as POTUS) or the society matron (who tried to be POTUS) is a good person.  I don't think either of them is Evil Incarnate.  I will defend either one from hatemongers.  I will call either one on shoveling manure.  

I can sit here and tell you there are a dozen punk children in the yard. What if there are actually 13?  If I were a party politician, the opposite party zombies would shout "Liar" and  "Schmidt calls all children punks".  My own zombies would defend me blindly.  No one would look at the context.  

Use of context clues tells us a great deal.  How, exactly, is punk defined in my hypothetical quote?  How, exactly, is children defined?  Was this a casual comment or something official?   For that matter, are we counting the sidewalk as part of the yard?  What was my tone of voice and facial expression?  This is critical thinking, folks.

If I lose friends because I prefer to think before forming opinions, so be it.  I refuse to drink the proverbial Kool-Aid no matter what flavor it might be. That stuff will make you go blind.  

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