Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thoughts on Public Bathrooms

 Apparently some laws have been passed that state you have to use the restroom designated for the sex on your birth certificate.  A major chain store also announced it was making all restrooms unisex. Heated debate rages all over social media and the news.

"Perverts will pretend to be transgender to get to our daughters."  Do you think only male perverts exist, and that they only go after girls?  Even if a pervert were to do this - as has happened - all he can do legally is "accidentally" expose himself.  Anything else is covered under other laws.  During a trial, the revelation of his birth certificate would make him in violation of this one.   It is your job as a parent (or parent proxy) to protect the child from threats.  If you are too busy to escort the kid to the restroom, that's on you.

Are we going to station guards at every restroom and require matching the physical evidence with the birth certificate?  What if the two don't match?  We send a person with a penis into the women's room anyway - refer back to the perv argument.  What do you do when the "man" you've stopped proves to have both a vagina and a female birth certificate?

We have probably all, at some point in our adult lives, shared a public restroom with another adult bearing different genitals than ours.  We never knew because they had the exterior appearance of our sex.  They went into the stall and shut the door, just like we did.  Or maybe you ignored the Restroom Closed For Cleaning signs and the janitor was using one of the toilets - that happened a lot when I was a janitor.

Why are they wasting time and money (taxpayer's money) on laws that make no sense and can't be enforced?  I've not done the math, but I'm sure the salaries of these lawmakers earned while passing this nonsense is a lot more than 15 bucks an hour - you know, the amount useful people are greedy for wanting.

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