People now think they can take their pets into a store or restaurant. All they have to do is claim it is a Service Animal. Or say something about how cruel it would be to leave Fido in the hot car. Here's a couple of thoughts on the subject - if you can't be apart from your pet long enough to get some groceries or a Big Mac, there are much bigger issues at hand. Yes, sometimes things happen you don't expect. You are coming home from the dog park and realize you need a jug of milk. That's not what I'm talking about - I'm talking about expecting the staff of a business to let you break the law because you want to be there for at least a half an hour.
If you have one of those Saver Cards that get you ten cents off a gallon "on your next fill up", read the small print. It's usually your next gas purchase, and if you waste that discount on a smaller one, do not scream at the cashier. You fell for the hyperbole of advertising - and she did not write the ad. She also is not allowed to take expired coupons.
Twelve items or less (grammar Nazi wincing here) means you are not supposed to unload two carts. If your cashier is underage, she is required by law to call over another person to scan your booze or smoke. A place is going to close and open according to their clock, not yours.
If your child is using safety features at the gas station or a cart corral as a monkey bar, do not get bent when the employees ask them not to. They are just trying to keep your kid alive and the business from being sued. They really are minding their own business.
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