Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

This was the original Pledge of Allegiance.  It wasn't until later that the word "to" was put in front of "the republic".  Even later, they changed "my flag" to "the flag of the United States of America".  Even after that, the much discussed "under God" was added. Some claim that adding "under God" made it a prayer, and therefore a violation of Separation of Church and State.  Now that you've had a history lesson, let's move on.

I am an agnostic-bordering-on-pagan.  I do not engage in the blind patriotism or mindless conformity implied by the Pledge.  But I also do not take issue with kids saying it every morning in school.  They have no clue what a pledge really means.  We aren't cognizant of the ramifications at that age, so the recitation of a bunch of words means nothing.  It holds no sway over them and no one - including any reasonable god - is going to hold them to it.

Saying the Pledge will not make him an American Patriot if he goes home to adults who want to overthrow the Commie Kenyan.  Reciting "Under God" will not make him a worshiper of anything he doesn't see worshiped by those he respects and loves.  You want your kid to be a patriot and worship a god?  Practice what you preach.  Talk to him - kids are not stupid. 

"But he's just a child.  He can't understand."  You just proved my point. 


  1. You make fine points Jeanie, but I do believe that saying the pledge over and over kind of brainwashes us. It did me. I struggled for years before I faced my patriotism and finally decided that it was real. Maybe I was just a suggestable kid.

  2. I love God, my country and am patriotic to the flag, my flag, this country's flag. I pray we are under God's watch....It's our government I am sometimes not so keen on, and politicians I fear will destroy it all if allowed.
