I saw this and my first thought was "Why pride?" Why not just follow the advice of Roseanne Barr (She said it about being fat, but the sentiment is the same) "So you're gay. It's okay to be gay. Just be gay and shut up about it." I really do not understand what all the fuss is about. I must be some kind of alien or something, because I totally fail to understand why one aspect of your person should be such a big deal.
Well, I went to a comment section on one of the news stories, prepared to say so, and got slapped in the face with the why. I don't have people telling me that I can't be a lefty because it's against THEIR religion. No one is screaming BOOKWORM at me when I walk down the street with my book. There's no debate over why I prefer oranges over olives.
The fact is, that one aspect has become a big deal because of other people - not because of the gays. If those of us who believe it's wrong would shut the hell up, they would not be all-up-in-your-face. So, to paraphrase Roseanne again "So you're ignorant. It's okay to be ignorant. Just be ignorant and shut up about it."
And that cookie looks really yummy, too.
Roseanne wasn't too ignorant, was she? Probably be pleased at the attribution, too.
ReplyDeleteMe, I don't think the cookie looks yummy, but, since nobody is force feeding it to me, I don't care about it. Like I don't care about who is with whom, as long as it ain't me against my will.