It's quite difficult to have a chronic medical issue, whatever form that issue might take. In my case, it's Diabetes and Depression and often I find what helps with one does not help with the other. Eating carbs, for example. As a diabetic, starches and sugars are to be limited. As a Depressive, however, I'm encouraged to eat things that provide my body fuel (starches and sugars).
Exercise is another bone of contention. It's good for both conditions and for obesity. However... the very nature of Depression makes motivation difficult. The obesity leads to other issues, too. Carrying around extra weight puts undue stress on the joints. The hot humid summers of Ohio are hotter and more humid when you're toting the equivalent of a child. I do have friends and family that "bully" me into walking (and hiking when we go to the mountains). Weather permitting, I prefer to walk when running errands here in town. I might take a hour to do what should take minutes, but I get 'er done.
It's late July in Ohio. It's not unusual for the "real feel" to creep into triple digits. My apartment is air conditioned, so this isn't a problem except for one thing. My allergies don't like AC. When the dog days of summer hit, I find myself having to chose between heat exhaustion or feeling like my head's an overinflated balloon. I keep my thermostat at a higher temperature than most find comfortable.
Managing my medical issues is a balancing act, but most of the time I succeed. I worry when something is off, like if my sugar's running high or if my demon is growling in her cage for no apparent reason, but that's part of the deal. I just wish one illness didn't need things that makes another worse!