I am disgusted. Why do people insist upon assuming the worst? And proclaiming it as fact without validation?
Man in a car accident? "He was drunk" "He was stoned" "He was speeding" "He was getting a hand job while driving" "His ex tampered with the car" "Someone forced him off the road" This is all presented as fact. As if the entire population was in the car or had helped the attempted murderer.
Little girl found wandering a rural road? Parents are stoned, drunk, dead of an overdose... then the truth comes out. After a long road trip to visit relatives, the adults slept in. Little girl wakes up, decides to explore the new place, and gets lost in Aunt Susie's neighborhood. Everyone with any experience with youngsters knows it's possible, there are police reports, but no. Those parents were negligent at best.
Woman dies suddenly. She overdosed. She was beaten to death by her spouse. She killed herself because (insert melodramatic and negative reason). Never mind that people die every day of unknown health issues or in accidents... no, we must jump to the worst possible cause and proclaim it as fact.
Yes, we as humans are going to gossip. We're going to speculate. We even have a real need to assign blame. But if I'm found dead tomorrow, no one is going to know it was suicide. (It's a reasonable assumption, given my history, but that's beside my point.) No one is going to know one of my exes came creeping out of my past and offed me. No one is going to know I overdosed. Not until more facts come along, anyway.