Yet we see people freely slap the label Communist on Bernie Sanders. Communism and Socialism are closely related, yes. Both fall under the same ideological umbrella. Yet there are the same sort of subtle differences we find in Anarchism. Communism is to Socialism what those Violent Over-throwers are to Anarchy. They are the fanatics.
Fanatics exist in every group, be it political, religious, racial, sexual.... Islam has ISIS, Christianity has WBC... It is wrong to assume your neighbor Abdul wants to chop off your head because you ate a ham sandwich. It is wrong to assume Pastor Smith wants gays executed. I know Catholics who see birth control as a matter of conscience and accept the idea of abortion under certain circumstances, feminists who are happily married to men and even have children, lesbians who don't hate men and even raise straight children of both sexes.
If you are a member of any group (and who isn't), the proper response to an ignorant party is not to attack them. On any level. My own personal experience with Fanatic Anarchism might be "anecdotal evidence" and therefore a logical fallacy, but you aren't going to get anywhere by insulting me. I am willing to be convinced - said friend can vouch for that - but only by a respectful discussion.
And if you expect me to see subtle differences, you need to be willing to see them as well. Or you are guilty of a logical fallacy of your own, as well as of being a hypocrite.