This Polar Vortex that keeps jumping out of the Arctic Circle has fired up a lot of talk about that old chestnut Global Warning, or as they now call it, Climate Change. My opinion on the subject is pretty simple - humans once again show their conceit by blaming themselves for it. We have only been crawling around Mother Earth for moments in her time and we've been keeping track of weather patterns for less than a relative second. It is presumptuous of us to think we've impacted anything.
We have polluted the planet, no doubt, but we don't need to worry about saving the planet. She was around long before we were and will outlast us by eons. What we have done to this planet is a flea bite or maybe a bad rash. We need to become aware that the damage we're doing to the planet is going to hurt us - possibly even kill us. The things we have caused are nothing more than the planet's immune system trying to wipe out an infection. We need to worry about saving us.
We can't and never will control nature. We likely didn't cause and can't stop a polar vortex. We need to accept that we are not the boss of Mother Earth. We need to adapt, to evolve, to become a part of her systems and cycles. Or those same systems and cycles will kill us as surely as they did the dinosaurs.
It won't happen tomorrow, and it won't happen quickly, at least not by our reckoning. By hers, maybe, but not by ours. And if we smarten up, it may not happen at all.
not to mention that the weather is consistent with what colonial era residents reported in diaries and letters and we have been 'instructed' to disregard because they were 'obviously' exaggerated.