Monday, May 28, 2012

Welcome to my world.

I am one of Those People.  You know, the ones who draw Disability even though you can't see anything wrong with them.  The ones everyone knows are just plain lazy.  The "beer and cigarette" people.    I have a sense of humor about it - thus the name of my blog. 
I live with a nephew, his wife, and their son.  I earn my keep mostly through housework and child care.  I don't smoke or drink.  My main addictions are books and Barbies.  If they ever make a Star Trek political party - based on the Prime Directive and "The needs of the many" - I might join it.  I'm an environmentalist, but hardly a fanatic.  If we don't go green, Mother Nature will bite us in the butt and it will be our own fault.  


  1. Perhaps this would be a good place to put your fiction ... say one chapter a week, just to keep all your fascinated readers hooked!

  2. Wild first blog post, Jeanie. You just set it right out there!! Unfortunately, pure un-revised honesty is something you don't see much of nowadays, especially writers. I mean who else can create a vast wall of pure, slick, bullshit better than a writer?
    Well, a politician, perhaps, but of course they've got three speechwriters on staff collaborating on that bullshit.
    Nope, simple honest and direct is the way to go and glad to see you're brave enough to do it.
    It would be cool if you did post some of your work on here, I'd like to see it.

  3. I just may do that. It appears the websites I was published on have all vanished...
