Yep, I'm going there. The narrative on this subject is driving me even crazier than I already am.
My personal feeling about the subject? Those days are behind me now, but the only way I would have even considered abortion would be if the Grim Reaper is involved with or without the procedure. For any other circumstance, I much prefer the other options.
"What about a girl that's been raped or in the case of incest?" Personally, I'd see the former as a blessing in disguise, but I understand that many women would not, could not. Generally speaking, a child of incest will be healthy, unless it's multi-generational. (See pretty much any royal family in history for examples.) In either of those cases, if the mother can't or won't keep the child, I'd recommend adoption.
"The Bible says..." First things first, what any holy book says has no bearing on the law in the USA. But I will refer you to Leviticus 27:3-7 and Exodus 21:22-25 (a child's life has little or no value) and to Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, and Ezekiel 37:5-6 (life begins at the first breath). If it's a sin, that's between her and God.
"Science has proven life begins at conception." No, it has not. It's proven that your DNA sequence is human at conception. Everyone in the graveyard has a human DNA sequence, but we're under no delusion that they are alive. No one can definitely say when abortion becomes murder.
"What if it was you, or your daughter?" I've had pregnancy scares. I've seen some of my friends and minions (admittedly not daughters) through pregnancy scares. Only once did I accept abortion as a option, since her life was endangered. But ultimately it isn't my call. It's the pregnant person's call, and federal law has already supported her right to an abortion (Roe vs Wade).
"Women don't want babies, they should keep their legs together". That's just laughable. Rape aside, I'm willing to bet very few abortions are performed on women who never used contraception.
"She should put it up for adoption if she don't want it." I agree. But I'm not the law. If I was the law, and was arrogant enough to outlaw everything I disapprove of, you wouldn't be happy. Trust me on this.
And on a final note: To the best of my knowledge, none of these "bans" are actual bans. A 12 year old who got gang raped at a family reunion probably can get an abortion. Since they are state laws, none of them affect the entire nation. Know what you're talking about before getting all up in my face.