From "The Ancient Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde" by Caroline Arnold: "Religion was part of the everyday experience and influenced all aspects of Anasazi life."
That line struck me as funny. A religion is a system of beliefs, after all, and should influence all aspects of your life and be a part of your everyday experience. If it doesn't and isn't, it's not really a religion. Not yours, anyway.
Religion in this sense is not defined by where or how you worship, by the name you call your god, or even by the label you allow society to put on you. I know lots of "Christians" who fornicate and see no sin in it. "Catholics" who use birth control despite the Church's prohibition. "Mormons" who drink coffee or soda pop. Your true religion is not inside a building or a book or some other person. If you think it's a sin and you still do it, that is the true hypocrisy. You will answer for it, to yourself if to no one else.
You rise in the morning and go about your day. Certain ideals are more important than others. There are things you feel you must do and things you feel you must not do. That is your true religion, no matter what label you or society puts on you. And it does influence all aspects of your life and is a part of your everyday experience.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go outside and hug a tree.